Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Winters are undoubtedly the most pleasant time of a year. Most of us wait throughout the year for the winter season to arrive as this is the time of the year when we have an opportunity to enjoy the natural cool breeze and comfy the warm beds to snuggle into. Yet due to the presence of very little humidity in the air, this particular time of the year takes its toll on the skin. Dry skin, chapped lips, itchy elbows, cracked heels and stretchy face are some of the signs that the winter has finally arrived. Even though most of us constantly try to keep our skin moisturized, it somehow dries up very fast. Here are a few beauty and fashion tips that would facilitate you in fighting the five winter skin issues effectively.

1. Exfoliation of the skin: Exfoliating the skin at regular intervals preferably on daily basis helps to get us rid of the unnecessary dead skin cells. This is just as working out helps to lose our weight. When a moisturizer or olive oil is being applied to a well-exfoliated skin, the oils tend to penetrate deeper into the skin’s layers and this helps the skin to stay moisturized for hours. Moreover, the cell renewal is being promoted and thus the skin appears healthy, shiny and moist on the surface. Moreover, the winter is the best time of the year in order to get a facial done. That way, the skin gears up to face the climate change. In case a facial seems too expensive to you, a simple homemade avocado mask can very effectively work wonders during the course of the winters. 

2. Moisturizing the skin: Moisturizing the skin generously helps the skin to obtain the necessary Vitamin E. There are several moisturizers which are available in the market with effective contents like Shea butter base etc.  These products are rich in Vitamin E and are the winter skin elixirs. These particular products keep the skin completely moist all through the day as they are usually loaded with the essential fatty acids for the skin. Similarly, messaging the head with warm almond oil is also a very useful hair care tip for the frizzy hair during the winters.

3. Lip care: The chapped lips are a constant worry during the winters. Most of the people apply petroleum jelly which is not at all a great idea. A moisturizing lip gloss can be used which work for girls and a lip balm can work well for the guys. Moreover, the sunscreen must be necessarily applied on the skin like everyone does in the summers. The harsh UV rays of the sun also play a part in drying out lips and face. 

4. Skin care at night: A hydrating night cream must be applied on the face for these products have some repairing components in them.  It works on the skin all night making the person wake up feeling fresh. When this overnight moisturized skin is being exfoliated and applied with a fresh moisture coat, the skin stays completely soft and supple all day long.

5. Using scarves: It is indeed the best way to protect the face from the chilly winter winds by wearing the scarves that cover the entire face and protect your skin. That way the freezing cold can be kept from sucking out all the moisture from the face. Forehead can also be protected with a hat or a cap. So just as people tend to protect the body with the heavy jackets, blazers and coats, the face also necessarily needs to be shielded.

Despite using all the above products, one must also stay well-hydrated from within during the winters too. For this, it is advisable to keep drinking lots of water throughout the day and consume sufficient unsaturated fats and oil. These components keep the skin moisturized from within, thus maintaining its health during the winter. 

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